依舊是滿滿 PL 加一點 Block Chain… 說好的 AI 呢?
入場 開幕 & LINE Open Up
IB101 08:30 - 9:50 漢語
200 speaker, 2k participants.
Haskell Line API 等你開源 //
我發現 Hackage 上已經有了(
- line-simple-beacon
- line-liff-starter
- line-things-starter, about IoT
- line Armeria, help you to build line service quickly
給 Web 工程師的 Rust 上手指南
IB301 10:00 - 10:20 漢語
Rust 吉祥物 — 螃蟹。
picked up by Mozilla.
想填補系統級編程空白而發展 Rust — fast, safe, concurrent。
facebook libra - about currency, safty, transaction, wrote in Rust.
議員(Denver Riggleman): Why Rust?
Yew framewrok (rs -> web asm)
iter callback like Ruby
type signature like Python
mcaro 寫 HTML —
- side effect function with
- last expression in function as return value, like Ruby
IB502 10:30 - 10:55 漢語
What is ZKPs 以阿里巴巴為例。
- zk - zero-knowledge
- S - Succinct
- N - Non-Interactive (consider network traffic)
- AR - Arguments (should be large to prevet bf attack)
- K - Knowledge
Alice has P(x)
Bob has secret point s
Alice cal P(s) for Bob
The S:
Homomorphic Hidings
- for most x, E(x) is hard to find x
- different outputs for differnent inputs
- E(x + y) can be computed for E(x) and E(y)
if x + y = 7
A publishes E(x), E(y)
B computes E(x + y) by E(x) and E(y)
B computes if E(x + y) == E(7)
KCA 規範對方的行為
- alpha-pair
A have (a, b), (a, alpha * a)
B have (a’, b’) => (gama * a’, gama * b’ = gama * alpha * a = alpha * a’)
QAD 問題轉換及簡化
The N:
CRS - public place for A to place things
- pros: proof size, verification time
- pros: proof time
- cons: proof size
- Bulletproofs(門羅幣使用)
- cons: proof time, verification time
EWASM VM - 次世代的 Ethereum Virtual Machine
IB502 11:30 - 11:55 漢語
EVM recap
- stack-based
- 256 bit stack items
- high level instructions
- SHA3
- CALL, CREATE contract
- too far away from actual machine architecture
- less language support (Vyper, Solidity)
How about wasm (web assembly)?
- has locals(~= reg or mem)
- only access top 3 items v.s. EVM’s 16 (property here!!)
- support 32/64 bits
- No high level instructions
- ewasm is subset of wasm
- not support floating point number
- LIMITED imports and exports (wasm section)
- inject byecode metering and has runtime metering
Ethereum Environment Interface
1 | ewasm module <= EEI => blockchain |
call some function by outer runtime environment
ewasm 透過 EEI 將一些 operation 交給外部的人
system contract
- compiled into wasm bytecode
- examples
- Byzantium precompiles
- sha256, rpiemd160
- Sentinel (verification and metering)
- Byzantium precompiles
Sentinel contract
ewasm bytecode => Sentinel => deployed on chain
- before contract deployment
- reject non-ewasm bytecode (e.g. floating point)
- insert metering statements
開一個 EVM spec, 不同的 ethereum client 實作共用一個 Wasm VM
C => C langauge API
wasm engine
1 | ewasm bytecode |
EVM issue
- storage model
ewasm = EVM 1.0 mirrored in wasm
- storage model is not compatible with rent
ewasm(64) BN128mul not better than EVMone(256) becuase bit operation
- solution: precompile
price metering
- basic block count
- super block
- upper bound
speaker is from buidl.secondstate.io
關於生命週期的一點事兒 (miss)
IB301 11:30 - 11:50 漢語
Serverless Web Service in Rust (miss)
IB301 11:50 - 12:30 漢語
『基礎建設』 建置 Tor 的匿名 .onion 網站,並使用 Kubernetes 架構 (miss)
E2-102 12:05 - 12:35 漢語
Functional, Declarative and Modular System Environment
with Nix and NixOS
IB503 13:20 - 13:50 漢語
GNU related Project GNU Guix
九月份 functional thursday 會有 Nix 相關主題。
speaker(@zetavg) touched the nixos from 35th chaos communication congress
Software Deployment Problems
The purely functional software deployment model by Nix author
- Nix is package manager
#purelyFunctional #immutable #declartive #lazy #garbageCollator
Nix Store:
- pkg should not depend on global system stuff
ruby <- /usr/lib/libssl.so (x)
ruby <- nix-libssl-pkg (v)
Nix Lang:
- produce derivation
- take package as variable in the Nix Lang
- there exists dependencies between the variables
Nix OS:
- pkg, kernel, config… are built by Nix
whole system in the Nix Store
Nix Env:
- can switch generations after installation stages
Nix Shell:
- a nix tool for Developer
- cachix: Nix binary cache(precompile binary)
- Hydra: nix build farm
- NixOps: declaratively deploy infrastructures
9/5 f4 at Mozilla 信義區辦公室
Nix Pills https://nixos.org/nixos/nix-pills
Build a Minimalist Partially C99-compliant Compiler
for Real-world Targets (miss)
IB201 13:20 - 13:45 漢語
Cuju - 虛擬機容錯功能實作
IB201 13:50 - 14:35 漢語
Too hard to take note.
效能等級和 VM Ware 差不多?!
用剖析表達文法 PEG 實作一套程式語言 parser
IB301 14:30 - 15:10 漢語
understanding computation: from simple machines to impossible programs
pl parser, regex parser with treetop, which is a PEG parser
PEG, 2004, Bryan Ford - parsing Expression Grammars: A Recognition-Based Syntatic Foundation
a replacement to chomsky language, by removing the ambiguity in grammer
the ambiguity is useful in modeling natural language, but not in precise and unambiguous programming language
basic rule:
- replace
in CFG with/
(e1 e2 ..)
e? e+ e*
e1 e2
note the priority, different from CFG
PEG dangling else
“if” COND “then” S1 “else” S2 / “if” COND “then” S1
match the else first will solve the problem (CFG can’t)
PEG is equivalent to Top Down programming language (TDPL)
PEG is not a lang but a parse impl spec.
new, powerful than CFG, fast to parse small lang
用 Pandoc 撰寫學術文章
IB503 15:30 - 16:00 漢語
學過 Python, Haskell(?!
文書處理器 | Latex | |
上手 | 易 | 難 |
排版 | 易跑 | 專門 |
文件 | 短 | 長 |
模式 | 編寫編排 | 寫排分工 |
why open source?
- open format
- easy to export, share
- fee, no license
- customization
文科:只有肥宅才會用 LATEX 吧!(戰起來!!
以 markdown 取代 latex
- markdown is not program, formated text
- can be compiled
- source is human readable
markdown dialect:
- pandoc markdown
- commonmark
- github-flavoured markdown
what is PANDOC?
- 轉換神器
- 柏克萊哲學系教授 john macfalane 所創
- support latex, markdown
- pdf docx html
- reveal.js support ppt by markdown
YAML metadata blocks
參考文獻可使用 bib(la)tex
inline latex
biblography with pandoc (by pandoc-citeproc filter)
cross-reference (by pandoc-crossref filter)
- open source
- raw text
- git
- version control
- collaboration
- bugless
- learning time consuming
- need latex sometimes
- command line interface
17 直播從 0 到 1 之狼人殺 & 5 years Rust & 回顧 (miss)
IB101 16:10 - 16:40 漢語
本日摘要 & 自己玩量子電腦程式
IB101(TR313) 09:00 - 09:50 漢語
講者是第一屆總召(Google AI Quantum)。
現行計算稱為古典計算(classical computing)。
量子程式語言:IBM Qasm, M$ Qsharp
- 量子模擬
(氮固化,肥料製造用了世界 2% 電力,研究微生物為何消耗極少能量產生。) - 優化
求函數極低點,或許可用於計算能量消耗。 - 質因數分解
“How to factor 2048 bits rsa integers in 8 hours using 2 million noisy Qubits”
量子電腦破解 RSA 加密(古典電腦需要宇宙時間)
電子電腦需要 10mK(常溫 300K)環境下運作,所以需要放在冰箱。
現在發展的現況為幾十 Qbits。
Cirq — Google Python framwork for Quantum computation
N Gate (Not Gate)
H Gate 薛丁格的貓
如果前面放進一個 H Gate = (00, 11)
the quantum parity problem
classical -> quantum
O(N) -> O(1)
輸入輸出前各 apply 一排 H gate,最後觀察最後結果。
transportation of 1 quantum bit
qbit A 由於觀測後會塌陷,所以要拿 qbit B 之前,先將 qbit C 與 qbit B 糾纏,
然後用 B 與 A 糾纏後,將其結果拿給 C 運算即可得到 A 當初的態。
Q: 能解什麼問題?對目前 framwork 的看法,需不需要開發新語言?
A: 解的問題還在發展,美國正在培養相關人才,需要大量相關人才。量子運算與古典運算是互補的。
重點是那個 H bit,模擬薛丁格的貓,他是一切算法的起手式。
IB101(TR313) 10:00 - 10:50 漢語
- functional/Haskell
- blockchain/Tezos
- general json crawler
- 大多提供 JSON API
Tezos 三大特色:
- liquid proof-of-stack
動態決定驗證者/區塊創建者,由 token 持有者共同維護 - formal verification
保證系統安全性 - on chain government
由投票機制更改 protocol(第 999 和 2019 block 的 JSON 可能長得不一樣)
Backing Soda
A Haskell crawler for Tezos
講者:有實際寫過 DSL 或知道 DSL 的請舉手
我:寫 DSL(compiler or interpreter)太難了吧?!
我只有寫過 GPL(
Haskell 起手式:定義好資料結構
Formal program synthesis: deriving(Show, Read, Eq, …)
3main = a `par` b `pseq` print (a + b)
where a = fib 42
b = fac 42
- 存原始檔案
- 不要相信第三方
- 減少第三方壓力
- 後續批次處理
1 | data TzBlock = TB { level :: Int } |
分析:JSON 對應 SQL 的 datatype
- Haskell property
- type strong and ADT
- easy to provide universal data store interface
- lib
- haskell-persistent
- haskell-groundhog
General Database
- 可選擇
- 放棄特有功能:e.g. postgres array tyep
Specific Database - 比較好的效率
加強 Android 隱私的工具和技巧 (miss)
IB201(TR309) 10:50 - 11:20 漢語
> 跑去吃飯,結果遇到在台大讀書的同學啊啊啊啊啊啊
Instruction Scheduling in LLVM
IB306(TR412-2) 11:40 - 12:25 漢語
- instro to instruction scheduling
- LLVM scheduler
- pipeline modeling
- scheduler customization
instruction scheduling
as a means of optimization
1 | load x5 x8 @a // 3 cycle time |
build dependency graph and sort from root, acc time length from first inst
scheduling with reverse order (from large acc number to smallest)
instruction scheduling occuring on:1
16instruction selection (DAG)
| scheduleDAGSDNodes
| scheduleDAGMILive
registor allocation
| schedulePOSTRATDList
Data Dependency Graph
- output depedency (if inst depend on same reg, they can not swap)
- anti dependency
- boundary not participate scheduling
target description as a language to write pipeline
Customize Scheduling for Target
- define scheduling policy
implement overrideSchedPolicy - define scheduling strategy
derive MachineSchedStrategy (GenericScheduler) - add DAG mutations
implement ScheduleDAGMutation::apply
- Engineering a Compiler(阿阿阿阿 這本我有啊)
- LLVM Developers’ Meeting: “writing Great Machine Schedulers”
從 C++11 規格和 Template Meta-Programming 的角度
欣賞 Boost 對 atomic 和 memory order 的支援
E2-102(TR510) 12:40 - 13:10 漢語
what is memory order
- recorder
- out-of-order
compiler 會做 scheduling,所以 order 和 source code 可能會不一樣。
C++11 支援 memory order 可以給予開發者控制 order 的餘地。
- synchronization operations
在不同 thread 之間同步 - atomic operation
在 21 世紀做自動微分?你需要 Zygote.jl!
IB501(TR413-1) 13:10 - 14:00 漢語
Wengert list
- a list of expression/instruction
- transform the expression with derivative definintion
how automatic differentiation work
- get the Wengert List of the expression
- transform each instruction in the Wengert list
- apply chain rule
forward mode (適合 outputs >> inputs)
- dual number
reverse mode (適合 inputs >> outputs) (mostly DL situation) - tracker
野生的 Meta Programming 出現了 (miss)
IB301(TR310-1) 14:20 - 15:00 漢語
Julia 語言設計與 JIT 編譯器
IB501(TR413-1) 14:10 - 15:00 漢語
- type system
- mulitple dispatch
- generic program
- meta programming
- relection and introspection
- JIT compiler
1 |
type system
- dynamic, similar to symbolic programming,
but can get staic component by some signature - set-theoretic type
mulitple dispatch
- 非獨有特色,其他語言也有
- like overloading in Cpp
generic programming
- parametric types and parametric method
- Similar to multiple dispatch with parametric polymorphism
- All types are first-class: can be dispatched and declared
meta programming
- macro
- generated function (julia 獨有)
1 | @generated function foo(x) |
Function(name) <> Method(type signature, related to impl)
so, there exist function table and method table
function => generic function consisted of many methods
JIT => lookup compiled method (method cache),
if not exists, it will do specialize, compilation
meta programming interface
- access
- modify
- Julia IR
- access
- modify
- access
- modify
- Machine code
- access
- modify(indirect)
julia 是 hackable 的 compiler,
可以抽換掉一些中間的 compilation procedure,
跟上次 flolac’18 講的 racket 黑魔法有點像。
High-Level GPU Programming with Julia
IB501(TR413-1) 15:10 - 16:00 漢語
for CUDA becuase the support for AMD is not enough
GPU for graphic drawing
- utilize the parallel structure
- lots of threads running at the same time
for GPU programming, most PL still inline cuda C
why julia
- high-lv PL with low-lv performance
- provide first class array impl
- good compiler design
- CUDAnative.jl
- CUDAdrv.jl
- CuArrays.jl
- GPUArrays.jl
lighting talk & close
IB101(TR313) 16:05 - 17:05